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Laconic study on Incident / Accident Investigation technique -


S.Sothivanan , University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)


Accident Investigation, Investigation Process, Multi-linear Event Sequence (MES)


The future direction for incident prevention lies in using investigation methodologies as a tool that both integrates and compliments pre-existing processes such as risk management and audit. Using investigative tools to identify and resolve the precursors to error and learning from past incidents can assist organizations to gain an appreciation of the strengths and limitations of their safety systems and reduce errors that lead to incidents. The motivation of this paper is to narrate the event based methodology “Sequentially Timed Event Plotting” (STEP). This paper signposts the analytical approach that graphically depicts sequentially timed Events. All events are expressed with formatted building blocks composed of an Actor and Action. Explained by what means this method is quite useful to discover and analyze problems and assess mitigation options, in addition to performing analysis of the types and sequences of events that can lead to an accident. Besides the benefit of using Sequentially Timed Event Plotting (STEP) accident investigation method also been revealed.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV3I80551
Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 8
Publication Date: 01/11/2015
Page(s): 680-683

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