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Regenerative Braking System


Kadam Siddheshwar Madhukar , shri chattrapati shivaji college of engineering rahuri,india.; Musmade Somnath Sahebrao, scscoe; Shete Prasad Bapusaheb, scscoe; Kulkarni Shreyas Rajendra, scscoe


Conventional-Braking System, Regenerative Braking, Flywheel, Brake-drum, Electric-motor, Dynamo


In today’s world there are energy crises and the resources are depleting at a higher rate so there is a need of specific technology that recovers the energy, which gets usually wasted. In case of automobiles one of these useful technology is the regenerative braking system. Generally in automobiles whenever the brakes are applied the vehicle comes to a rest and the kinetic energy gets wasted due to friction in the form of kinetic energy. Using these technology in automobiles to recover the kinetic energy of the vehicle to lost due to the braking process.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I10597
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2016
Page(s): 853-855

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