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Smart Vacuum Cleaner with Insects & Germ Repallent


Anandhu.S.Nair , VEL Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan And Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College; Gowtham.S, VEL Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan And Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College; Ailan.R, VEL Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan And Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College; Palani.R, VEL Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan And Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College


Smart Vacuum Cleaner


With today's busy schedule, cleaning your home and surroundings is even more difficult. Currently, there are vacuum cleaners that require a human to operate. Therefore, it is highly desirable to provide a vacuum cleaner which can operate without human intervention. This project implements an effective method of cleaning the desired area. By using this vacuum cleaner, dangerous places can be cleaned, reducing the risk to humans. This is achieved by implementing an autonomous system. Here, an RC motor built into a vacuum cleaner is used. The system comes with an ultrasonic sensor that helps avoid large obstacles like tables, chairs, walls, etc. With the current COVID situation, more and more people cannot clean together due to the need to maintain social distancing. In the era of more and more advanced digital technology, the distance is measured by this sensor, and the car will choose the farthest direction from the obstacle to avoid the collision with the obstacle. The vacuum cleaner is designed with a CPU fan and a hose is attached to the mouth of the bottle. The entire system is powered by batteries. With today's busy schedule, cleaning your home and surroundings is even more difficult. Currently, there are vacuum cleaners that require a human to operate. Therefore, it is highly desirable to provide a vacuum cleaner which can operate without human intervention. This project implements an effective method of cleaning the desired area. By using this vacuum cleaner, dangerous places can be cleaned, reducing the risk to humans. This is achieved by implementing an autonomous system. Here, an RC motor built into a vacuum cleaner is used. The system comes with an ultrasonic sensor that helps avoid large obstacles like tables, chairs, walls, etc. With the current COVID situation, more and more people cannot clean together due to the need to maintain social distancing. In the era of more and more advanced digital technology, the distance is measured by this sensor, and the car will choose the farthest direction from the obstacle to avoid the collision with the obstacle. The vacuum cleaner is designed with a CPU fan and a hose is attached to the mouth of the bottle. The entire system is powered by batteries.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV10I120053
Published in: Volume : 10, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 01/03/2023
Page(s): 10-11

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