Seismic Analysis of RC Framed Structure With & Without Infill Effect With Different Infill Properties |
Author(s): |
Nayan Verma , Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management Ujjain; DR J N Vyas, Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management Ujjain |
Keywords: |
Reinforced Concrete Frames, Infill Wall, Time Period, Stiffness, Base Shear, Linear Dynamic Analysis |
Abstract |
RC Buildings are very usual type of construction in India. Analytically while modelling the structure, we design only structural members which transmit the load like beams, columns, slabs and footings, where walls are not considered while designing and their impact on the structural response is neglected. Their impact is shown in the global behaviour of RC frames subjected to seismic loads. So it is very significant to study the impact of infill on the RC bare frames. The presence of infill results in increase in the structural stiffness; it also increases natural frequency of vibration which depends on seismic spectrum. In addition to that, it also decreases the storey drift demands and increases the storey lateral forces. This study gives the overview of performance of RC frame buildings with and with-out infill walls. In this study, two different buildings i.e. with and without infill walls are considered, whose analysis have been done for gravity and seismic loads using software (Etabs). The different materials considered in this study for the infill walls are Burnt Clay Bricks, Cement Bricks & Hollow Concrete Blocks. In this study, a G+11 - storied reinforced frames without infill and with infill walls are considered as a strut and with the finite modelling which has been evaluated through linear dynamic analysis. The objective of this paper is to compare various parameters such as Time period, Base shear, Storey drifts, Displacements and to study the performance of the building. Taking the above parameters into consideration, we can compare performance of infill Structures with the structures without infill in severe seismic zone as per IS 1893:2016. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV11I110027 Published in: Volume : 11, Issue : 11 Publication Date: 01/02/2024 Page(s): 27-34 |
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