Analysis of Cow Dung Brick and Compare with other Bricks |
Author(s): |
Guruprasad Sadashiv Sutar , Sharad Institute of Technology Polytechnic, yadrav ; Swarup Ishwara Lohar, Sharad Institute of Technology Polytechnic, yadrav ; Sumit Siddhu Mantale, Sharad Institute of Technology Polytechnic, yadrav ; Vishwajeet Anil Power , Sharad Institute of Technology Polytechnic, yadrav |
Keywords: |
Cow Dung Brick, Lime, Guar Gum, Citric Acid Powder, Gypsum, Compressive Strength Test, Water Absorption Test And Efflorescence Test, Gauthan (Place Where Cows And Buffaloes Are Kept), Normal Red Brick (Burnt Clay Brick) |
Abstract |
Brick is the building material of choice and is well known in our country as well as other countries for creativity, low maintenance, weatherproof etc. brick production emits gases include sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the atmosphere which are harmful gases when they are present in excessive amount and lead to increase in temperature of atmosphere. Bricks are not preferred in high seismic zones due to its weight. Manufacture of brick through natural resources will lead to reduction of environmental pollution and reduction in its weight. In search of natural and renewable source which is easily available for us is Cow Dung (75%) which is waste material of animal and can be used for making bricks by adding lime (10%), clay (5%), guar gum powder (1.5%), gypsum (3%), Citric acid powder (0.5%) and sand (5%) all by volume. In this experimental analysis comparison between normal red brick, fly ash brick and cow dung brick with the help of compressive strength test, water absorption test and efflorescence test is done. Cost analysis of cow dung brick is done for comparative costs. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV11I110059 Published in: Volume : 11, Issue : 11 Publication Date: 01/02/2024 Page(s): 45-48 |
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