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A Survey on Different Applications of Hi-Tech Human Machine Interface


Ms. Madhuri D. Thakkar , Parul Institute of Technology, Limda, Waghodia, Vadodara,India; Reshma N. Patil, Parul Institute of Technology, Limda, Waghodia, Vadodara,India


Human machine interface,safety control system,models.


Today, in the 21st century, progressively more, computing and communication-based technologies are being implemented for various applications and the complexity of the user-machine interface inceases day by day. The consumers are more sophisticated and expecting more content in the machines with higher levels of quality. They demand features those are smarter, better crafted and easier to use. They expect their machine to be safe. The problem addressed in this system is, therefore, how to find a holistic Human Machine Interface (HMI), which gives the operator a clear overview and good understanding of the active safety machine systems. To satisfy more demanding customers, system personalization also needs to be considered as well as its interactivity and flexibility. Further, we need to find out which demand are there for HMI in machine system, to be able to implement the design for safe interaction and usability in industry. To understasnd users behaviours and their relation with machine systems, analysiz of various systems based on HMI is done by us. The conclusions of our study is summarized in statements describing how an integrated and flexible HMI, for active safety systems, together with an intuitive interaction could be designed to meet the consumers and the markets increasing demands of today.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV1I11055
Published in: Volume : 1, Issue : 11
Publication Date: 01/02/2014
Page(s): 2524-2526

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