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Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Modeling for Standing and Sitting Event by using Musculoskeletal Modeling Software


Rahulsinh Chauhan ; Jignesh Vyas, Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar, India


lower limb,musculosketetal,modeling,software,MATLAB


This paper shows how the musculoskeletal modeling for standing and sitting event of lower limb of humans is possible using MSMS (Musculoskeletal Modeling Software). Concept, significance and factors of musculoskeletal modeling of lower limb have been detailed. It presents how the complexity of biomechanics related to lower limb can modeled with MSMS and also represents how such model can be useful in generating MATLAB/SIMULINK ® model that can be further used in the development of prototype neuroprosthesis model for paraplegic patients having lower extremity disorders. Proposed modeling includes 12 leg virtual muscles which shows its accuracy for event of standing to sitting event with due consideration of the coordinating position, Mass, Inertia used for rigid body segment, and Joint Type, Translational Axes, Rotational Axes used for lower limb joints. The result generated by MSMS for proposed modeling has been presented. Merits and demerits of proposed modeling have also been discussed.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV1I2012
Published in: Volume : 1, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2013
Page(s): 97-100

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