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Parametric Study of Cryogenics Storage Vessel for Different Materials


Patel Maulik P , L.D.College of Engineering; Prof. M.I.Vyas, L.D.College of Engineering


Cryogenic storage vessel, Boil off rate, Heat in leak, Perlite Insulation, Multi-Layer Insulation


Cryogenic Vessels are designed for storage and transportation of liquid gases at sub-zero temperatures. Manufacturing of such cryogenic tanks requires special technical knowledge and sophisticated fabrication techniques. Universal has developed the necessary technology. The design and construction of storage Dewars for biological specimens. Biological requirements of Dewar design are of prime importance and these have to be considered alongside the normal cryogenic requirements such as insulation, suitable materials etc. The liquid nitrogen storage systems are widely used for long term preservation of a range of microorganisms. Strains are stored in ampoules immersed in nitrogen or held in its evolving vapor. In this paper I had worked on the comparative design of storage tank made up of two different materials i.e. stainless steel and aluminium used as inner shell of cryogenic vessels. This paper includes design procedure of cryogenic storage vessel as per ASME code. This also contain results of different properties i.e. heat in-leak, boil off rate of vessel by taking aluminium and stain less steel as inner shell of vessel.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV2I1177
Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2013
Page(s): 299-302

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