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Overview on the Bionic Eye


Kalyan Vasantrao Bisen , JDIET, Yavatmal.; Prof. A. N. Shire, JDIET, Yavatmal.; Pof. U. S. Jawarkar, JDIET, Yavatmal.; Vedprakash A. Yede, JDIET, Yavatmal.; Vidysager Patel, JDIET, Yavatmal.


bionic eye; artificial eye; nanogenerator; electronic eye; retina damage; blindness


The artificial electronic eye is a bionic eye. The bionic eye provide vision to the visually challenged people by using the modern day electronic devices such as CCD camera and bionic eye implant. The implant consist a small chip which is implanted surgically behind the retina in the eye ball. The bionic eye consist two methods i.e. multiple unit artificial retina chip (MARC) and artificial silicon retina (ASR). This paper tries to give a new approach of bionic eye using nanogenerator. The nanogenerator is used to provide compactness, better power and high efficiency to the bionic eye as compared to the external batteries.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV2I12294
Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 01/03/2015
Page(s): 533-534

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