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An Elaborated View on Biometric Template Protection


Anjana R.S , KUMARAGURU COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY; Ms P Betty , kumaraguru college of technology


Biometric template; Security; Encryption methodology; Irrevocability


Biometric is a biological traits and being a bodily elements used in various sectors and application because of its identity. Biometric is a biological element used to uniquely identify the individual. It is an alternative to a traditional approach because of its uniqueness. Biometric authentication has been used in various sectors like surveillance, authentication. One of the most important characteristics of biometric authentication is Irrevocability. It is one of the important characteristics of biometrics since unlike other data, biometric can’t be faked. Biometrics are very sensitive data and it is more sensitive to vulnerability because biometric once compromised it is compromised forever. Because of its sensitivity many models adopted multi modal biometric rather than uni-modal biometric to provide better security. Thus biometric system needs higher security to preserve the biometric hacking. Biometrics has been adopted in much application now-a –days. To secure such a sensitive data many security models have been introduced like multilevel encryption, hybrid encryption etc., a detailed survey on these template protections has been discussed with the advantages and disadvantages.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV2I12315
Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 01/03/2015
Page(s): 490-495

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