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SMS based Data Retrieval for ERP System


Ms. Pradnya Vilas Saval , Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology; Mr. Sahil Bharat Raut, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology; Mr. Tejas Subhash Raval, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology; Mr. Bhavesh Panchal, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology


ERP system, Data Retrival, Data mining


This paper attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those different department’s particular needs. This paper will propose an intelligent ERP system by integrating enterprise resource planning, data warehouse, online analytical processing and data mining. The data warehouse for this system is provided by the massive amounts of data gathered from an ERP system. Through a three process of integrating ERP systems with data warehouses, data warehouses with decision analysis and decision analysis with data mining systems, a three-tiered web-based systematic framework has been established to access the ERP system from remote location as well. The result of this study is the integration of the ERP system and data mining system.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV2I2187
Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2014
Page(s): 829-832

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