Feature subset selection and different algorithms for feature selection in data mining |
Author(s): |
Keywords: |
Data mining, Feature Selection, Subset |
Abstract |
In machine learning and statistics, feature selection plays a very important role as a process for the selection of the relevant features from the pool of features for use in model construction and for the better classification and understanding of the data. There are many irrelevant features or attributes in the data that does not give us any information at all or gives very less information. So it is very much compulsory to have a subset of features that can classify describe the data at its best. In this paper a discussion about Feature subset selection algorithm is done. Discussion about the different methods by which we can extract relevant features or methods for the selection of the best subset of features is done. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV2I3011 Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 3 Publication Date: 01/06/2014 Page(s): 50-52 |
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