The grid authentication system for mobile grid environment |
Author(s): |
A.Sudha , Al-Ameen Engineering College Erode; S.M.Karpagavalli, Al-Ameen Engineering College; Chamundesshwari, SSM Engineering College |
Keywords: |
security,hash function,encryption,decryption |
Abstract |
Grid computing is the major resource environment. Security and authentication is the important factor in the grid environment. Recently, Authentication protocol has been recognized as an important factor for grid computing security. This system proposes a new simple and efficient Grid authentication technique providing user anonymity. The system is based on hash function, and mobile users only do symmetric encryption and decryption. In this system, it takes only one round of messages exchange between the mobile user and the visited network, and one round of message exchange between the visited network and the corresponding home network. The system is designed as three applications such as authentication server terminal proxy and grid node. The grid user application is designed to handle user management and authentication process. The terminal proxy is an intermediate application to carry out authentication under the current coverage. The grid node application is designed to communicate the authentication server and terminal proxy with mobility operations. The user id, password and session key values are used for the authentication process. The proposed architecture possesses several desirable emerging properties that enable it to provide an improved level of security for grid computing systems. The one way hash function and time stamp mechanisms are used to perform the user authentication operation under the home network and visited network environment. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV2I3285 Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 3 Publication Date: 01/06/2014 Page(s): 1166-1170 |
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