Optimization of weld bead geometry in metal active gas welding process using Taguchi method |
Author(s): |
panchasara bharatkumar vinodbhai , pg student MEC, basna; pawaan panchal, asst.prof MEC, basna; yuvraj raol, asst.prof.LCIY, bhandu |
Keywords: |
Weld Bead Geometry , Optimization, Metal active gas Welding (MAG) , Taguchi Method. |
Abstract |
Gas Metal Arc Welding is a process in which the source of heat is an arc format between consumable metal electrode and the work piece with an externally supplied gaseous shield of gas either inert such as argon, helium and Carbon dioxide etc. In this study attempts to optimize the Metal active gas Welding (MAG) process parameters (Gas flow rate, Power, Wire feed rate.) on responses (like: Bead Geometry, Means Bead width and Bead Height) using Taguchi techniques. The MS C20 material was chosen For the study. L16 orthogonal array is selected for experimentation and Regression analysis will used for modelling the responses. The most significant parameter for Bead Width and Bead Height is Power. In case of Bead Width and Bead Height the Power % Contribution is 89.71% and 70.49% respectively. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV2I4175 Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 4 Publication Date: 01/07/2014 Page(s): 193-195 |
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