An Implementation of Minimum Energy Channel Codes For NanoScale Wireless Communictions Using MAT Lab |
Author(s): |
Mr. Chethan Kumar B , VTU Center for PG Studies, Bengaluru; Dr. Sarika Tale, VTU Center for PG Studies, Bengaluru |
Keywords: |
MEC, reliability , code distance , symbol error probability, WNSNs, Hamming code .Reed-Solomon, Golay codes. |
Abstract |
It is essential to develop energy-efficient communication techniques for nanoscale wireless communications. In this Proposal, a new modulation and a novel minimum energy coding scheme (MEC) are proposed to achieve energy efficiency in wireless nanosensor networks (WNSNs). Unlike existing studies, MEC maintains the desired code distance to provide reliability, while minimizing energy. It is analytically shown that, with MEC, codewords can be decoded perfectly for large code distances, if the source set cardinality is less than the inverse of the symbol error probability. Performance evaluations show that MEC outperforms popular codes such as Hamming, Reed- Solomon and Golay in the average codeword energy sense. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV2I5400 Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 5 Publication Date: 01/08/2014 Page(s): 736-743 |
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