Bridge-Stage Framework for the Smartphone Application Development using HTML5 |
Author(s): |
Mukesh Vijay , VIvekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur VIT Campus; Prateek Diwan, VIvekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur VIT Campus; Manoj Raman, VIvekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur VIT Campus |
Keywords: |
Smartphone Application, Cross-Platform, HTML5, PhoneGap, Web Application, Android, iOS, Windows Phone |
Abstract |
Now a days, the Web has become an integral part of our everyday lives. The rapid growth of the smart phone market has brought the Web from our home desks to anywhere we are, and enabled us to access this vast source of information at any time. The mobile operating systems (OS) used by modern smart phones are too diverse such as Google's Android, Apple's iOS, Microsoft's Windows Phone, and so on. Smartphone application development is done using native platform such as iPhone using Objective-C, Android using Java, Windows Mobile using C# and so on. Therefore, a bridge stage framework which supports 'Write once and deploy everywhere' is required to support the development of Smartphone applications. This paper presents the HTML5-based bridge stage framework which uses Phone Gap and Web kit to support the development of Smartphone applications that are written as Web applications. A big problem with developing applications for mobile devices is platform fragmentation [6]. That means that there are many different mobile platforms that are further divided by the different versions available [5][2]. Users with older hardware are left without support and updates as newer devices are put out on the market [9]. This means that the developer has the choice between limiting the solutions and only aim for a minor part of the spectra or to develop for more platforms to reach as many users as possible. To maximize the amount of possible users, the developer has to create an application for each platform and make sure that they are backwards compatible so that users with older devices can use them. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV2I8157 Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 8 Publication Date: 01/11/2014 Page(s): 146-149 |
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