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Steganography Based on Bacterial Foraging Optimization


Divya Malhotra , Geeta Engineering College; Er. Ravi Malik, Geeta Engineering College


Swarm Intelligence, Bacteria Foraging Optimization, Steganography and Steganalysis


Steganography is the ability of hiding the very occurrence of communiqué by embedding secret messages into innocent looking cover up documents, such as digital images. Recognition of steganography, evaluation of message length, and its extraction belong to the field of steganalysis, which is actually a route for perceiving Stegnography. Bacterial foraging optimization (BFO) is a optimization technique projected by K.M. Passino in 2002, and is one of the latest techniques under Swarm Intelligence. To covenant with multifarious exploration problems of the real world, scientists have been drawing inspiration from environment and natural creatures for years. Bacterial foraging optimization is a burgeoning nature inspired procedure to find the finest elucidation of the problem. In this paper an algorithm for perceiving Steganography has been introduced using the BFO Technique. The test to the RGB model based imagery through the proposed algorithm will help out to detect if something is steganographed in the image or not.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV2I8163
Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 8
Publication Date: 01/11/2014
Page(s): 269-272

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