A Comparative Study of Forward and Reverse Engineering |
Author(s): |
Dhaval Jha , Nirma University; Dhwanish Shah, Nirma University; Bansal Shah, Nirma University; Saloni Shah, Nirma University; Yash Shah, Nirma University |
Keywords: |
Software development, Specification document, Legacy code, forward engineering, Reverse engineering |
Abstract |
With the software development at its boom compared to 20 years in the past, software developed in the past may or may not have a well-supported documentation during the software evolution. This may increase the specification gap between the document and the legacy code to make further evolutions and updates. Understanding the legacy code of the underlying decisions made during development is the prime motto, which is very well supported by Reverse Engineering. In this paper, we compare the Transformational Forward engineering, where a stepwise abstraction is obtained with the Transformational Reverse Methodology. While the forward transformation process produces overlap of the decisions, performance is affected. Hence, the use of transformational method of Reverse Engineering which is a backwards Forward Engineering process is suitable. Besides the design recognition obtained is a domain knowledge which can be used in future by the forward engineers. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV2I9060 Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 9 Publication Date: 01/12/2014 Page(s): 90-92 |
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