Review of Implementation of lean manufacturing in cement industry |
Author(s): |
Chirag D. Joshi , Atmiya Institute of Technology & Science,Rajkot; P. S. Puranik, Atmiya Institute of Technology & Science,Rajkot |
Keywords: |
Lean, Cement Industry, lean philosophy |
Abstract |
Implementation of lean helps many organizations to improve their productivity and efficiency; on the other hand number of organizations has failed to benefit from lean philosophy. The case of not achieving the expected results of implementing lean is not because of limitation of lean to specific organizations type; but it is the misconception of lean philosophy. The lean thinking was first implied in the automobile companies and it widely spreads within the all types of industries; however the today's challenge is to implement the lean philosophy within continuous manufacturing industries and different organizations regardless to the type and size of the organization. This has motivated me to apply lean philosophy to the continuous industry i.e. cement industry. The cement industry is an example of the continuous industry sector and it will be used to convey that the lean philosophy is applicable to all deferent organization types. There are many problems the cement industry facing in today's cut throat competition; one of the major challenges is the capability of the cement industry to adopt techniques by which the overall improvement can be achieved. The need for improving the productivity of the cement production line is to reduce the downtime rates, and satisfy high demands of consumers. This research has aimed that the lean philosophy is beneficial to cement industry once the organization aims, and objectives are clarified and communicated through all levels of the organization. Furthermore barriers and obstacles should be removed by changing the organizational culture, and empowering the people to be involved in identifying and problem solving process. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV2I9271 Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 9 Publication Date: 01/12/2014 Page(s): 353-355 |
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