Comparison Between High Utility Frequent Item sets Mining Techniques |
Author(s): |
Mrs. Hetal M. Shah , L. D. College of Engineering, Ahemdabad; Prof. Bhavesh A. Oza, L.D. College of Engineering |
Keywords: |
Frequent Pattern Mining, 2PUF, FUFM, Quasi support, extended support |
Abstract |
Data Mining can be defined as an activity that extracts some new nontrivial information contained in large databases. Traditional data mining techniques have focused largely on detecting the statistical correlations between the items that are more frequent in the transaction databases. Also termed as frequent itemsets mining, these techniques were based on the rationale that itemsets which appear more frequently must be of more importance to the user from the business perspective .In this paper we throw light upon an emerging area called Utility Mining which not only considers the frequency of the itemsets but also considers the utility associated with the itemsets. The term utility refers to the importance or the usefulness of the appearance of the itemset in transactions quantified in terms like profit , sales or any other user preferences. This paper presents a novel efficient algorithm FUFM (Fast Utility-Frequent Mining) which finds all utility-frequent itemsets within the given utility and support constraints threshold. It is faster and simpler than the original 2P-UF algorithm (2 Phase Utility-Frequent), as it is based on efficient methods for frequent itemset mining. Experimental evaluation on artificial datasets shown here, in contrast with 2P-UF, our algorithm can also be applied to mine large databases. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV2I9312 Published in: Volume : 2, Issue : 9 Publication Date: 01/12/2014 Page(s): 363-365 |
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