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Android Based Application for Tracking of Nearest Hospital and Emergency Healthcare System


Pankaj Prasad Raje , PGMCOE, Pune; Pankaj Raje, PGMCOE, Pune; Alpesh Nandola, PGMCOE, Pune; Dhiraj Bhujbal, PGMCOE, Pune; Avadhut Batwal, PGMCOE, Pune


Emergency Medical Service, Hospital Tracking, Health Record, Cloud Computing


It has been noticed that there is remarkable of Electronic Health Record in Healthcare Management System, because people have experienced injury or sudden health conditions however, because of inconvenient transport or traffic controls, some of the injured peoples could not reach hospitals promptly, eventually dying. To reduce the time required for people to reach emergency care services and avert the above tragedies, an “Emergency Medical System” has developed. Emergency Medical System (EMS) is a comprehensive approach to emergency medical treatment in some medical emergency. It also describes a mobile system that allows electronic healthcare data storage, update and retrieval using Cloud Computing. This is an application in which the user would have to just press single click. Soon the device will send an emergency notification to a nearest hospital, the exact current position. When the doctor or family receives the notification, they can immediately take measures to rescue the user. It can also organize the health record of the user. The user can take online medical to send their physical situation and then get prescription from doctor who will send the prescription on the user's phone. This paper elaborates the enhanced Android based Tracking for Emergency Medical System (EMS) on cloud.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV3I120097
Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 01/03/2016
Page(s): 108-111

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