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Highly Efficient Micropropagation of Grand Naine Banana


Ratnesh Kumar Singh , Vinoba Bhave Univeristy, Hazaribagh; Dr. Prashant Kumar Mishra, Vinoba Bhave Univeristy, Hazaribagh


BAP- Benzyl Amino Purine, IBA- Indol-3-Butyric Acid, MS – Murashige and Skoog, Banana Micropropagtion


Efficient technique of micropropagation of the Grand Naine banana for the mass propagation has been developed. The explants were selected from the superior high yielding mother plants which were tested for viruses & Genetic fidelity. The sword suckers were selected as explants, trimmed properly to appropriate size, washed in detergent water followed by dipped in 70 % alcohol for 1 minute & after finally sterilized with 25 % Sodium hypochlorite for 15 to 20 minutes followed by distilled water wash for 4 to 5 times and finally treated with 0.1 % mercuric chloride for 5 to 7 minutes ,followed by distilled water wash, after proper sterilization the culture were inoculated in establishment medium with combination MS basal medium+ BAP, 2mg/l + Citric acid,40 mg/l + Sucrose, 20g/l + Agar, 5 gm/l. After successful establishment, the culture were transferred to Multiplication, medium with various trails of which trail code T8 (MS basal medium+ 4.5 mg/l BAP+ 0.45 mg/l IAA) was found the most appropriate for the efficient multiplication of cultures . For thin & week shoots elongation medium was tried with different combinations, out of them Trail code S2 was found the most appropriates for shoot elongation & healthy shoots in four week time. Well elongated shoot were directly rooted in rooting medium. For rooting, the trial code R2, MS basal medium ½ strength+ 1.5 mg/l IAA+ 0.3% activated charcoal, was found the best one. Finally the well rooted plants were taken for acclimatization. Initially plants were kept in high humidity of 90 % for primary hardening & then transferred to shade net house for the secondary hardening with different trails of potting mix out of them, the trail code H2 ( Cocopeat+Sand+vermicopost) in the the ratio of 2:1:1 ,was found the most suitable. The plants well developed in 2.5 months for field plantations.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV3I120118
Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 01/03/2016
Page(s): 92-95

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