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Experimental and Analysis of Butt Weld on Weld Pool Geometry of Aluminium Alloy Plate using Finite Element Method: A Review


Sushil Kumar Maurya , RESEARCH SCHOLAR; Prof.A.K.Jain, Associate Professor


GTAW, Aluminium Alloy Plate, Welding Parameter, Welding Joint, Mechanical Properties, FEA, ANSYS


Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process is leading in the development in arc welding process which uses a non-consumable Tungsten electrode to produce the weld that increasing higher productivity and good quality [1]. The present investigation highlights Experimental and Analysis of Butt Weld on Weld Pool Geometry of Aluminium Alloy Plate Using Finite Element Method. The welding parameters like welding current, shielding gas flow rate and welding speed play a major role in deciding the joint properties. Welding parameters influence in the mechanical properties. The mechanical properties of welded materials are measured in terms of tensile strength and Brinell hardness using Design of experiment concept; experiments were carried out to predict tensile strength and Brinell hardness of the welded joint. After that temperature distribution and distribution of the stresses in the welded aluminium alloy plate during the welding operation are investigate by finite element method using ANSYS software. In fact, welding of aluminium is one of the biggest challenges to the practicing engineers. At present trend in fabrication industry, it is necessary to have welding because of high reliability, easiness in operation and good surface finishing. This concept can be effectively utilized in the manufacturing of ship building, Pressure vessels, aerospace and transportation equipment such as building of railroad cars, vehicle bodies and missile components.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV3I60592
Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 01/09/2015
Page(s): 1235-1239

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