Investigation of Performance and Combustion Characteristics of Biofuel in Compression Ignition Engine |
Author(s): |
Mr. Bhojraj N. Kale , Asst. Prof., Department of Mechanical Engineering, DBACER, Wanadongari, Nagpur, 441110 ,Maharashtra. INDIA; Dr.S.V.Prayagi, 2. Head of Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering DBACER, Wanadongari, Nagpur ? 441110 Maharashtra. INDIA. |
Keywords: |
CI Engine, CSOME, Performance, Combustion |
Abstract |
The main aim of this investigation is to find out the performance and combustion characteristics of a CI Engine using cottonseed oil biodiesel blends and compare it with petroleum diesel. The tests were conducted on a single cylinder, four stroke, TV1 Diesel engine connected to eddy current type dynamometer for loading developing power 3.5 kW at 1500 rpm. The tests were conducted at various loading conditions. The experimental results revels that the performance and combustion characteristics of CSO biodiesel blends were very slightly differ than that of diesel fuel. . The experimental result illustrates that the CSOME Biodiesel Blend can be used successfully as a sustainable fuel for diesel engine without any major modifications.` |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV3I90016 Published in: Volume : 3, Issue : 9 Publication Date: 01/12/2015 Page(s): 53-55 |
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