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Driver Drowsiness Detection: A Review


Sapna Bhagat , Amritsar College of Engineering & Technology,Manawala,Amritsar; Dr. V. K Banga, Amritsar College of Engineering & Technology,Manawala,Amritsar


Driver Fatigue Recognition, Smart Vehicles, Facial Appearance Recognition, Support Vector Machine, Neuro-Fuzzy


Drowsy driving is really a serious problem leading to a huge number of automobiles crashes each year. The risk of drowsy driving are already understood for many years. Numerous problems make the issues difficult evaluate accurately as well as emerging research declare that the drowsy driving problem is really more common than both equally experts and people have realized so far. So there is certainly need to develop a process that registers fatigue much more accurate, in early systems deriving a highly efficient face area from unique driver face photographs is an essential stage for effective fatigue facial appearance recognition. In this report extensive evaluation on driver drowsiness approach has been presented.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I100532
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 10
Publication Date: 01/01/2017
Page(s): 878-880

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