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Fuzzy Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing


S.Muthuselvi , Veltech Multitech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Engineering College; S.Porkodi, Veltech Multitech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Engineering College; S.lavanya, Veltech Multitech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Engineering College; J.Jeejo Vetharaj, Veltech Multitech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Engineering College


Encrypted Data, Fuzzy Keyword Search


Cloud Computing is a technology that uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. Cloud Computing allows consumers and business to use applications without installation and access their personal files at any computer with internet access. This technology allows for much more efficient computing, centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth. Perhaps, the biggest concerns about cloud computing are security and privacy. As cloud computing becomes more prevalent with the increased rate of growth and adaptation of cloud. Daily, more and more sensitive information is being centralized into the cloud. For the protection of valuable proprietary information, the data must be encrypted before outsourcing. The existing search allows the user to search over encrypted data using keywords but in this technique accounts only for exact keyword search. In this paper, we formalize the problem and solve it by effective fuzzy keyword search over encrypted cloud data while maintain keyword privacy. We are proposing the mechanism called the Wildcard Based technique which returns the matching files when user searching inputs exactly match the predefined keywords, or the closest possible matching files based on similarity keyword semantics, when exact match fails.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I10194
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2016
Page(s): 378-380

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