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Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on Exergy Analysis Of Internal Combustion Engine


Parimal Prajapati , Sigma Institute of Engineering; Parimal Prajapati, Sigma Institute of engineering


Exergy, Internal combustion Engine, Load conditions


This study presents energy and exergy analysis of a three cylinders four-stroke naturally aspirated spark ignition engine using gasoline fuel. Each test was performed by varying the engine speed between 1100 rpm to 3200 rpm with the interval of 300 rpm at 0.5 Kg load. The load was also varied from 0.5 Kg to 2 Kg with the interval of 0.5 Kg. and at each load the engine speed was varied. Then using the steady state data along with the energy and exergy rate balance equations various performance parameters of the engine were evaluated for each load case. It was found that almost all the performance parameters increased with increasing engine speed.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I10274
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2016
Page(s): 1339-1345

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