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Data Security Using Reversible Data Hiding and Image Scrambling-A Survey


Priya Bhuran , Padmabhushan vasantdada patil college of engineering; Prachi Kshirsagar, Padmabhushan vasantdada patil college of engineering; Chetana Lokhande; Piyush Bawiskar; Sangram Jadhav


Data Hiding, Image Scrambling


Data security using reversible data hiding and image scrambling is the technique for providing high end security to the text data and recovering host image as well the secret data hidden in the host image. Thereby inhibiting the intruders to extract the hidden data. In our proposed system for enhanced security, login credentials will be given to the authenticated user, so that only an authenticated user will be able to transmit and receive the data. Sender will select a host image and the secret text data to be sent and the system will scramble the selected host image and then embed the secret text data into the selected host image before transmitting to the receiver. The reverse process will be applied at the receiver end .The login credentials in the proposed system are provided using Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm. The image scrambling is done using the Rubik’s cubic algorithm and embedding the secret data into selected host image and reversible data hiding is achieved using the optimal value transfer technique. This system can be used by the private organizations where security is of utmost importance.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I10352
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2016
Page(s): 549-550

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