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Mobile Based Market Basket Analysis


Archana Chaugule , Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College; Sonali Chheda, Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College; Shrushti Sawant, Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College; Supriya Narkar, Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College; Mansi Shelar, Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College




Mobile application has made human life easy by reducing the human efforts to a greater extent. Shopping is done on a very daily basis from shopping of a daily grocery to clothes and so on. Hence taking in to consideration the daily need as well as eventual needs of human beings we are developing a mobile application for bakery for smart phone users. It is basically a location based application for bakery. We are developing a three-tier architecture that consists of front-end, middle-ware and back-end. The front-end consists of a user-friendly interface through which users can order bakery products on the basis of their location. Middle-ware will be designed using JSON(Java Script Object Notation) that parses the data between the front-end and the back-end. The back-end will be designed using PHP and MySQL. Notifications related to the users orders will be provided through contact details provided via user.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I10526
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2016
Page(s): 856-858

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