Design and Analysis of Decanter Centrifuge Rotor Using ANSYS |
Author(s): |
Meet Bakotia , Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Centre, GTU AFFILIATED; Pritesh Prajapati, Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Centre, GTU AFFILIATED |
Keywords: |
Decanter Centrifuge Machine, solid liquid separation, Rotor speed rpm |
Abstract |
A decanter centrifuge separates solid materials from liquids in slurry and therefore plays an important role in wastewater treatment, chemical, oil and food processing industries. By gravity separation, within matter of seconds the solid liquid gets separated. At high RPM of vane drum of centrifuge decanter, life of it very critical parameter. Almost 2000 rpm is the maximum ever found in decanter. But if industry eager to develop a decanter whose rpm is very high enough to separate almost most of the liquid from slurry then high rpm must be required and at high rpm damage must be verified. In this research paper, it is attempted to review how this can be done and its effect on the rotor design. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV4I10665 Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1 Publication Date: 01/04/2016 Page(s): 802-805 |
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