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Use of Corn Kernel Split Ash in Concrete


Sidharth Gagan , RADHARAMAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE BHOPAL; Barun Kumar, RADHARAMAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE BHOPAL; Ajay Pratap Singh, , Lakshmi Narian College of Technology& science, Department of Civil, Bhopal


Cement, Workability, Corn Kernel Split, Compressive Strength


Effect of corn kernel split ash by replacing cement investigation has been conducted to check the strength and durability of concrete composite. Different corn kernel split ash content as 10%, 20%, and 30% were used. The durability of concrete composite includes water impermeability, dry shrinkage property, the carbonation resistance etc. The water impermeability improved and restricted the dry shrinkage of concrete composite, by addition of corn kernel split ash. This paper presents the experimental results of the investigation of various properties related to the durability and Ordinary Portland Cement, OPC. The properties that were investigated in an experimental program include; equilibration of specimen in different relative humidity, determination of physical properties, compressive strength, workability.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I10677
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2016
Page(s): 795-797

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