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Optimization of Cutting Parameters for EN 24 Grade Steel using Taguchi Method in Turning


Jaykishan Khatri , Institute of Technology and Management Universe, Vadodara.; Nipun Patel, Institute of Technology and Management Universe, Vadodara.; Brij Shah, Institute of Technology and Management Universe, Vadodara.; Shivam Patel, Institute of Technology and Management Universe, Vadodara.; Aakash Dubey , Institute of Technology and Management Universe, Vadodara.


Turning, Taguchi Method, Orthogonal Array, ANOVA, S/N Ratio, MRR


Turning operation will carry out on EN24 grade steel (46 HRC) with TNMG Insertion CNC Machine. Therefore three cutting parameters namely cutting speed, feed and depth of cut need to be determined in turning operations. The settings of machining parameter will determine by using Taguchi`s experimental design method. Orthogonal array of Taguchi, the signal to noise (S/N) ratio, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) will apply to find the optimal levels and to analyze the effect of cutting parameter. The result obtained by this method will be useful to other researchers for similar type of study and may be eye opening for further research on tool vibration, cutting forces etc.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I10798
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2016
Page(s): 881-883

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