Forced Vibration Analysis of Dashpot Using Rotating Unbalance |
Author(s): |
Vivek Kadam , Vidyavardhini's college of Engineering & technology; Pallavi Gopale, Vidyavardhini's college of Engineering & technology; Vruchita Kondaskar, Vidyavardhini's college of Engineering & technology; Shruti Khadape, Vidyavardhini's college of Engineering & technology; Vinay Patel, Vidyavardhini's college of Engineering & technology |
Keywords: |
Dashpot (damper); forced vibration; Optimum clearance; Rotating Unbalance |
Abstract |
Two different paths are followed for the analysis of dashpot. In the first path, the concept of coefficient of restitution is used assuming two impacts per cycle symmetrically. In the other path impact forces are split assuming periodic impacts into harmonic functions through Fourier series expansion. The main concept of vibration analysis of impact damper is based on impact duration & impact interval. Study of impact damper is essential to reduce the amplitude of vibration so that the structure can be safe against vibration hazards. Mostly researchers adopt duration of contact to be zero. There is no experimental analysis available for the same. So, we made an experimental setup to determine the characteristic of different parameter experimentally for the case of periodic steady state vibration. For the experimentation forced vibration is created by unbalance rotating masses. Experimental outputs were studied on Digital Storage Oscilloscope. (DSO) The results of experiment can prove that the assumption of impact damper is wrong. And this work can give new approach to solution of vibration analysis in future. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV4I10924 Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1 Publication Date: 01/04/2016 Page(s): 1188-1191 |
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