Diseases Inference from Health-Related Information Via Map Reducing |
Author(s): |
S.Sandhya , Dhanalakshmi College of engineering; P.Ranjitha, Dhanalakshmi College of engineering; S.Thaiyal nayagi, Dhanalakshmi College of engineering; A.Kalai selvi, Dhanalakshmi College of engineering |
Keywords: |
BigData, Map Reduce, Diseases prediction, HDFS, Encrypted details |
Abstract |
The intention of the work is to ensure the correct diagnosis of any illness with the help of decision support system. Patient’s Health records (PHR’s) are maintained in the public cloud where each and every patient is provided with an ID. All the data stored should be encrypted. Different encryption keys should be used on different machines and the key information should be stored centrally behind strong firewalls. This way even if a hacker is able to get the data, he cannot extract meaningful information from it and misuse it. Patient data will be stored securely in an encrypted manner. The main goals are ease of retrieval/collection of the specific information, less time consumption, cost effective, scalable, Fault tolerant and increase in security. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV4I11066 Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1 Publication Date: 01/04/2016 Page(s): 1171-1174 |
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