Smart Hospitalisation and Patient Review Analysis |
Author(s): |
Aakash Vishwas Jadhav , NDMVP KBT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING; Kunal Rajendra Marathe, NDMVP KBT COE ,NASHIK; Gayatri Nimba Datre, NDMVP KBT COE ,NASHIK; Yogaraj Dnyandeo Deore, NDMVP KBT COE ,NASHIK |
Keywords: |
Sentiment Analysis, Opinion mining, Patient Review, Reverse geocoding, Google map direction API |
Abstract |
for the health and care we always need a hospital but in real life it is complicated to go to the doctor and carry all records of our previous treatment. In case of emergency, If a patients doesn’t have his own record with him, it will be troublesome for him. Think, all these becoming easy we do not need to carry our records in hard copy format using smart hospitalization technique. With so many hospitals and no. of doctors it is difficult to find one who is best for a particular treatment. So it could be easy to find one doctor based upon the patients review. In this paper we are implementing the smart hospitalization in which patient can login using unique id and can see all previous history of his own diseases, which can be useful for the doctor, patient as well as chemist .In case of emergency user can find ambulance which is near by user. We find nearest ambulance using reverse geocoding algorithm and Google map direction API, we can obtain user location using reverse geocoding which convert geographic point into human readable address. It will be accessible either by an administrator, only they can add data into the database. The interface is going to be user-friendly. This will help to reduce the paper work at a greater extent. Based on doctors treatment patient can give his feedback on the website or using their smart phone. On the basis of patients feedback doctors can be rated as per their treatment and charges. This could help others to find good doctors based upon the patients rating. We will be analyzing patient’s comment using sentiment analysis Algorithm, which referred to as opinion mining, although the emphasis in this case is on extraction using keywords like, dislike/like, good/bad this sentiment analysis algorithm can be used for the priority wise listing of the doctor. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV4I11163 Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 1 Publication Date: 01/04/2016 Page(s): 1266-1270 |
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