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Image based Vehicle Locking and Starting System


Prerna Kailas Jadhav , Sandip institute of engineering and management, nashik; Prof.Mangesh T Nikam, Sandip institute of engineering and management,nashik; Jyoti Hari Ghadwaje, sandip institute of engineering and management,nashik; Vasanti Somnath Mali, sandip institute of engineering and management,nashik


Image Based Password, Touch Screen Interface, Graphical LCD


Image based password genuine for illiterates with touch screen interfacing provides an images based security system, which can be invest in poultry forms, houses and all kinds of domestic and industrial application. The main direction of this paper is to provide a security system for uneducated. This system provides convenient environment for the users with a kind of images interaction. Here the password need not be a cord of character it can use few images; this may be easy for the illiterate to remember. This device makes use of a touch screen sensor based distinctly LCD which makes the things still easier. This paper gives us the exposure about how to conveniently make use of the touch screen technology to interface with the appliances in our practical life. It can also be managed very easily with the hand so can be used even by very old people and also by the illiterates. Touch screens provide fast approach to any and all types of digital media, with no text-bound interface getting in the way. Faster input can mean better benefit. Using a touch interface can effectively increase operator accuracy, reduce training time, and improve complete operational efficiencies, thus keeping costs down, a properly designed touch interface can upgrade each operator’s precision. Touch screens are practical in automation, which has become even simpler with touch screen technology.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I120235
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 12
Publication Date: 01/03/2017
Page(s): 237-239

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