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Visual Cryptography in Internet Voting System using Face Detection and Recognition (FDR)


Vikas Chakranarayan , Student, Department of Computer, SCSCOE, Rahuri Factory, India; Gaurav Shinde, Student, Department of Computer, SCSCOE, Rahuri Factory, India; Rahul Jagtap, Student, Department of Computer, SCSCOE, Rahuri Factory, India; Shrikant Gagare, Student, Department of Computer, SCSCOE, Rahuri Factory, India; Prof. Anjali Musmade, Asst. Professor, Department of Computer, SCSCOE, Rahuri Factory, India


Internet Voting System (IVS), Visual Cryptography (VC), Visual secret sharing, Face Detection and Recognition system (FDR)


With the help of Visual Cryptography (VC), it allows the voter to cast his vote from remote location even if the voter is absent in the voting place. It allows the voter to cast his vote securely and full confidentiality. System allows permission to the voter which is participated in the election only when he entered correct password which is generated using visual cryptography after stacking of two shares. System/Admin sends share 1 to voters email id before election and share 2 will be present during election for his login. From observing these two shares hackers can’t get any information. For this system we use 2 out of 2 visual cryptography scheme. It generates two shares even if the hackers get any one of the shares ,it is not possible to get the information about the second share which is send to the email id of the voter. Thus it provides two way security for efficiently use of internet voting system. For more security purpose Face Detection and Recognition system (FDR) is introduced in our system. Web based voting allows the voter to cast his/her vote from any remote location. The voter’s image is uploaded and passed to a face detection algorithm in which the face detection from the image is done and saved it as the first matching point. The voter’s National identification card number is used to get saved photo from the database of the Admin which is second matching point. If the result of these two matching points is identical then the voter allowed to cast his vote. If the result of these two matching points is not identical then the voter logs out from the system.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I21066
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2016
Page(s): 2040-2044

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