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Drowsiness Detection for Cars using Eye Blink Pattern and It's Prevention System


Sanjay Ambekar , National Institute Of Electronics And IT, Aurangabad; Sanjay Ambekar, NIELIT, Aurangabad; Mangesh Neet, NIELIT, Aurangabad; V.S Jahagirdar, NIELIT, Aurangabad


IR Sensor, Bluetooth Module, Drowsiness Detection, Spectacle


Drivers driving long distances without any break are at a high risk of becoming drowsy. Driver fatigue is one of the significant reasons for a large number of vehicle accidents. Driver inattention is due to fatigue which causes traffic accidents. Monitoring a driver to detect inattention is a complex problem that involves physiological and behavioral elements [5]. Different approaches have been made, and among them IR sensor based approach to detect drowsiness has the potential of monitoring the person without interfering with his driving. In this paper we have developed a system that monitors the alertness of drivers in which drivers are prevented from falling asleep at the wheel. This paper presents a real-time method for drowsy driving detection system in which IR sensor mounted on spectacle to detect blink rate which is used for detection of drowsiness. The output of IR sensor is given to Controller of transmitter which decides drowsiness of driver. Signal is transmitted given by the transmitter to receiver. At the receiver which acts as alerting system alerts the driver when fatigue or drowsy state detected. The alerting system consists of musical buzzer, a vibrator mounted on spectacle, LCD display and flashing LED. The algorithm used is very accurate and with high performance. This system will help to decrease the amount of crashes due to fatigued drivers.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I31539
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 01/06/2016
Page(s): 1892-1894

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