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Reoponse Reduction of Multistoried Building Through Metallic Fuses


Manoj Sadafale , Government college of engineering, Aurangabad; Dr. R. S. Londhe, Government college of engineering, Aurangabad


X-Bracing, V-Bracing, Inverted V-Bracing, Inelastic Time History Analysis


Metallic fuses are supplemental energy dissipating devices that are fabricated into the structure to ensure safety of primary structural members. During a severe earthquake the fuse elements yield to dissipate seismic energy through structures. Elastic analysis gives a good estimate of elastic capacity of structure and also can indicate the first yielding point but it cannot predict the failure mechanism and account for the redistribution of forces during yielding. In the present work nonlinear analysis is studied with passive energy dissipation devices. The passive energy dissipation devices that are chosen for investigation include metallic bracings which are used as metallic fuses. They are installed in the second and third bay location of the investigated building. Three different configuration of bracing utilized are X, V and inverted V. For carrying out analysis a G+7 building is modeled using SAP-2000 software and designed according to IS1893:2002 code specification. The dynamic time history analysis is carried out by imposing accelerogram of three different earthquakes. Interstorey drift, storey displacement, shear force and moment proved to be the key constraints in accessing the performance of the building structure. These PED's brought about 30% to 50% reduction in values of displacement and storey drift and helped in improving the seismic performance of building and the purpose of using bracings and metallic damper as structural fuses fulfilled.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I40881
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 01/07/2016
Page(s): 1531-1535

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