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Arduino Based Smart Prepaid Energy Meter Using GSM Technology


Shraddha Yadav , chhatrapati shivaji institute of technology, durg; Prateeksha Pandey, chhatrapati shivaji institute of technology, durg


Microcontroller, Prepaid Meter, GSM Networks, SMS, Smart Energy Meter


In this system a smart energy meter is installed in every consumer unit and a server is maintained at the service provider side Power utilities in different countries especially in the developing ones are incurring huge losses due to electricity theft. Both the meter and the server are equipped with GSM module which facilitates bidirectional communication between the two ends using the existing GSM infrastructure. Pilferage of electricity can be substantially reduced by incorporating the proposed measures along with the prepaid metering scheme. Legal actions against dishonest consumers can also be taken in this system. The Accurate metering and billing of actual energy consumed by consumers is integrate to commercial management of an electric utility. Power utilities in different countries especially the developing ones are incurring huge losses due to electricity theft. The elec. The electrical grid in most of the developing countries has inefficiencies in different areas such as transmission and distribution, power quality, grid reliability and system protection.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I41118
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 01/07/2016
Page(s): 1541-1543

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