Effect of Glass Powder in High Strength Concrete |
Author(s): |
Mukul Dutt Pandey , LNMIPPL; Abhay Kumar Jha, Laxmi Narain College of Technology - s |
Keywords: |
Glass Powder, Cement, flexural Strength, Concrete |
Abstract |
Concrete is a versatile building material and it is used all over the world. Concrete is a word which makes revolutionary change in the construction industry in all over the world. Concrete is a material which is can be molded in any shape and size due to this property of concrete it is accepted in all over the world. Where concrete has such a big advantages and being accepted all over the world. At the same time concrete has some disadvantages too, like when we mix water in the ingredient of concrete it go through the hydration process due to cement present in it. When this hydration process goes on it liberate some poisonous gases, there poisonous gases will affect the environment and harm the ozone layer, to reduce this effect on the environment some scientist and researchers concluded that cement which is major ingredient of concrete is partially replaced by waste material like Glass Powder. Basically Glass Powder is a by-product of Glass factories. Glass Powder is present on a satisfactory scale in India and also it shows a great pozzolanic properties, due to this Fly ash we can used as a partial replacement of cement. For this project High strength M60 concrete is designed by IS 10262 and M60 concrete cubes is casted and all mix is prepared, after mixing concrete cube is casted then these cubes is tested for compressive strength and flexural strength. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV4I50132 Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 5 Publication Date: 01/08/2016 Page(s): 116-118 |
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