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Biogas Energy: Sustainable Option for Rural Electrification in India


Devinder Sheokand , UIET, KUK; Ram Avtar, UIET, KUK


Biogas, Rural Electrification, Agricultural Waste, Animal Waste, Anaerobic Digestion, Waste Heat Recovery, By-Product as Organic Manure, Biogas Generator


Increasing electricity demand, fuel prices and environmental concerns are the factors which motivates the use of renewable energy sources in India. Most common form of renewable energy sources are sun and wind. But biomass is one of the oldest renewable energy. It comes directly and indirectly from the plants. In last few years, India has shown growth in utilization of renewable energy sources. In India, share of renewable energy sources is almost 14% in total electricity generation. As of April 1, 2015, according to government, 18,452 Indian villages still un-electrified. This paper presents the idea of biogas power plant for rural electrification needs in India. The biogas can be produced using wood and wood waste, agricultural residues & farming manures, human waste, vegetable wastages and municipal waste. The special designed gas engine with modified piston, compression ratio, firing controller for sparkling ignition can be used. If excess biogas available, which can be used for cooking purpose by constructing common kitchens in villages by minimizing need of LPG or kerosene. The proposed system can be implemented in some potential places in Baharurpur, (Punjab), Namakkal, ottanchathiram, palani, salem, Uthukuli, (Tamil Nadu), &some part of Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat in India. [1][5].

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I50643
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 01/08/2016
Page(s): 1631-1633

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