K Nearest Neighbour Classification over Encrypted Relational Data |
Author(s): |
Rupali R. Gadekar , AVCOE,Sangamner; R. S. Bhosale, AVCOE,Sangamner |
Keywords: |
Privacy, Outsourced Database, Encryption, KNN Classifier |
Abstract |
Data Mining widely used in many fields such as medical research, financial, medication and among govt. departments. For last years, query processing on relational data has been studied very much, and many solutions to query processing have been proposed under different scenarios. Classification is one of the applied works in data mining applications. As increasing use of cloud computing, users are able to outsource their information as well as the data management tasks to the cloud. This paper focus on different k-nearest neighbor (kNN) query problem over encrypted database outsourced to a cloud: a user issues an encrypted query record to the cloud and the cloud returns the k closest records to the user. This paper is motivated by need of secure classification technique to outsourced data to the cloud. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV4I60013 Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 6 Publication Date: 01/09/2016 Page(s): 7-8 |
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