In Public Auditing Cloud Based Group user Revocation with Data Integrity for Efficient user Revocation |
Author(s): |
Swati Jagannath Avhad , AVCOE sangamner; Prof. Ashok V Markad, AVCOE, sangamner |
Keywords: |
Public Auditing, Cloud Computing, User Revocation, Data Recovery |
Abstract |
In the current information technology scenario cloud storage is one of the best database platforms which provide the high security to stored data, and also decrease burden of local data storage and maintenance. Elimination process of third party auditor which is helpful for checking whether user which using cloud services is authorized or not. Main problem in cloud computing was issues of data integrity, data privacy and data access by un-authorized users. Storage and sharing of data in cloud can be easily modified by users. To overcome this data modification idea by cloud signature is provided to each individual who access data in cloud once the data modified by the user on block the user must ensure that the signature is provided on specific block when user get revoked from accessing cloud the existing user of that cloud must resign data signed by the revoked user to resigned data user must download the entire data and signed it. This difficulty is rectified with novel public auditing mechanism idea of proxy resignature .In addition to this security of the data also enhance with the help of public verifier who is always able to audit the integrity of shared data without retrieving the entire data from cloud. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV4I60037 Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 6 Publication Date: 01/09/2016 Page(s): 53-56 |
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