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Heat Stress Management Practices in Poultry


Rahul Ralebhat , MIT AOE, SPPU, PUNE; Pramod Kothmire, MIT AOE, SPPU, PUNE


Heat stress, poultry management, poultry industry


Higher production performance and larger feed efficiencies in modern day poultry have made them highly vulnerable to heat stress. Ambient conditions, especially high temperature in combination with high relative humidity in poultry shed leads to heat stress in poultry birds and in turn reduces their productivity and increases mortality significantly. India, being predominantly a tropical country, the day time temperatures during summer reaches as high as 45°C at many places. The capital and operational cost of conventional evaporative air cooling system is very high as compared to the investment standards of poultry management in India. Apart from this, poultry sheds are generally located in rural areas where schedule power cuts are normal affair. Hence, majority of the poultry operators do not use proper cooling system which makes them susceptible to the adverse effects of temperature on production cost and hence profits. The present work is focused on study of low cost practices for cooling poultry birds through operational interventions. This study will help to plan for reducing mortality, improve productivity and thereby increase profit for the farm owner.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I60046
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 01/09/2016
Page(s): 76-79

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