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Performance Evaluation and Cost Analysis of Beacon-based Distributed Algorithms for Localization of WSNs


Barkha Bajaj , DVIET, Karnal, Haryana


Localization, Wireless Sensor Network, Beacons, Sensor Nodes, RSSI, Radio Hop Count, TDoA, AoA, APIT, Centroid


In wireless sensor network, for transmitting the data, it is desirable to know the location of sensors. In WSNs, for obtaining this kind of information we need localization techniques. In this paper, we first analyze the key aspects that have to be considered when designing or choosing a solution for the localization problem. Then, we present the types of current beacon-based localization algorithms, making a broad comparison among the most relevant algorithms. The overview of the schemes proposed by different scholars for the improvement of localization in wireless sensor networks is also presented. Also it is also dis-cussed that APIT scheme performs best when we simulate irregular radio patterns and random node placements. It also works well when low communication overhead is desired. Future research directions and challenges for improving node localization in wireless sensor networks are also discussed.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I60056
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 01/09/2016
Page(s): 114-117

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