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Mechanical Properties of TiO2 and WC Reinforced Epoxy Resin Composites


Mr. Anil Pol , Visvesvaraya Technological University; Nachiket Chanshetti, Visvesvaraya Technological University; Mr. Ashok, Visvesvaraya Technological University


WC Content, Epoxy Resin Composites


This paper deals with study of mechanical properties of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and tungsten carbide (WC) reinforced epoxy based polymer matrix composite materials. Composite specimen’s reinforcing Tio2 and WC at three different weight percentage (0%, 5%, and 10%) were prepared by casting technology in wooden moulds. Tensile and flexural properties of both reinforced and unreinforced epoxy was checked. All tests were conducted as per ASTM standards. Tests were conducted at room temperature. From results it was found that there is increase in tensile and flexural strength for WC reinforced epoxy composites but TiO2 reinforced results in decrease in tensile strength for both 5% and 10%.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I60064
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 01/09/2016
Page(s): 162-164

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