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Utilization of Limestone Dust and Marble Dust in Concrete


Amit Nayak , IES institute of technology and Management; Dr. P.H. Patil, IES institute of technology and Management; Dr. A.C. Nayak, Shree Satya Sai College of Engineering


Concrete, Marble Dust, Fine aggregate, High Strength Concrete, Compressive Strength, Flexural strength, Workability


Marble dust is a waste material which is obtained from the marble quarrying plants. This is generally of used in landfills, in this project a study has been carried out on concrete to check suitability of marble dust in concrete and its effects, marble dust is added in concrete from 0 to 100% at an interval of 25% as a partial and full replacement of fine aggregate and its properties like workability, compressive strength is check. For this project M 40 concrete is casted and marble particle between 90 micron to 4.75 mm is used in this study which is differentiate by IS sieve.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I60090
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 01/09/2016
Page(s): 20-21

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