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Grid Independence Study for Convergent and Convergent-Divergent Nozzles used for Spray Atomization Process using CFD Techniques (Fluent)


Sanjay Phatige , AMC Engineering College, Bangalore; Sreenivasa T. N., AMC Engineering College, Bangalore; Pavan Bharadwaj S., BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore


Grid Independence, Gas Atomization, CFD


Grid independence study is performed to eliminate/reduce the influence of the number of grids/grid size on the computational results. Any changes for geometry, meshing grids definitely will changed. When grids changed, we need to ensure the grid independence is applied. Another good test to do is numerical sensitivity test. The important boundary conditions and parameters can be tested to see the effect of certain conditions to the result[1]. Grid convergence is the term used to describe the improvement of results by using successively smaller cell sizes for the calculations. A calculation should approach the correct answer as the mesh becomes finer, hence the term grid convergence. The normal CFD technique is to start with a coarse mesh and gradually refine it until the changes observed in the results are smaller than a pre-defined acceptable error[2]. Gas atomization is a process to manufacture high quality metal powders. During the gas atomization process, the molten steel is atomized thanks to inert gas jets into fine metal droplets which cool down during their fall in the atomizing tower[3]. In the present investigation, an attempt was made to obtain the optimum grid size (mesh) that are required for Convergent-Divergent (CD) nozzle and Convergent (C) nozzle for conducting CFD trails using Fluent required for Gas Atomization process.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I60147
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 01/09/2016
Page(s): 704-707

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