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Biomass Gasifier: A Relative Approach with FLC


Devinder Sheokand , UIET, KUK; Devinder Sheokand, UIET, KUK; Ram Avtar Jaswal, UIET, KUK


Biogas, Gasifier, MATLAB, Simulation, Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC)


Biogas technology is a particularly useful system in the Indian rural economy and can fulfill several end uses. Gas is use as a fuel substitute for firewood, dung, agricultural residues, petrol, diesel, and electricity, depending up on task, and local supply conditions and constraints, thus biogas energy is used for cooking and lighting. Biogas systems also used as a residue organic waste after anaerobic digestion that has superior nutrient qualities over the usual organic fertilizer, cattle dung, as it is in the form of ammonia. Anaerobic digesters are function as a waste disposal system, particularly for human waste and prevent potential sources of environmental contamination and the spread of pathogens. Small-scale industries are also alternate from the sale of surplus gas to the provision of power for rural industries. Therefore, biogas also offers the user with additional income generating opportunities. This gas can also use for power engines, in a dual fuel mix with petrol or diesel and may use in pumped irrigation systems or other domestic purpose.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I60150
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 01/09/2016
Page(s): 195-197

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